Rise of the TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Tank Truck Taxi 2018 Playmates This action figure vehicle is a must-have for fans of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise. The tank truck taxi features a transforming design, adjustable features, and is made of sturdy plastic material. The 1:16 scale and 7-inch height make it the perfect addition to any collection, and the multicolor design adds a fun touch. This original 1st edition Playmates Toys item is not only a great toy but also a collector's item for any TMNT enthusiast. Suitable for children aged 5-7 years old. Good used condition, wheels look good with not too much wear. One of the stickers inside the cab of the truck is pealing. Taxi stickers at very top of dome show wear. UPS Ground 14x8x8 3lb C4